Sailing Holidays in Lignano Sabbiadoro
Lignano Sabbiadoro is situated at the most W entrance to Laguna di Marano, which lies between the town and Isola di Martignana, from where channels lead to Marano Lagunare, 4 miles N, and other locations in the lagoon. The well developed resort of Lignano Sabbiadoro extends some distance SW along the coast to incorporate Lignano Pineta.
Access to Lignano Sabbiadoro and other harbours in the W part of Laguna di Marano is limited, by depths over the sand-bar in the approaches to the entrance, to vessels of less than about 3 m draught. The harbour, which comprises Vecchia Darsena, the old dock, and Marina di Punta Faro, affords the best shelter and refuge between Venezia and Grado. Local knowledge is required. Within the lagoon, anchorage may be obtained 1 mile N of the entrance at the S end of Canale di Marano, moored with two anchors facing S; well sheltered and recommended.