Sailing Holidays in Šolta
Šolta is situated 18 km of the coast by Split. The island is the 13th largest island in Croatia with a size of slightly less than 60 km2 and a coastal length of about 80 km. The island has connection to the mainland with car ferry from Rogac to Split as well as catamaran from Split to Rogac and Stomorska.
Grohote is the "capital" and largest city on Šolta, the town is situated the two km from the ferry harbor in Rogac. Grohote is the administrative center and the place of the island school, also in Grohote there are two supermarkets, a post office, a pharmacy as well as the island medical centre and helipad.
Stomorska is situated on the north eastern part of the island, the coastal town is the oldest harbor of the island. The city is built on the slopes towards the harbor, which is where the life in the city takes place. During summer months the city is a popular destination for sailing boats. Along the promenade there are numerous restaurants, cafes and a few smaller shops.
Necujam is situated opposite to Split at the bottom of the largest bay on the island. The village has a large apartment village which currently is undergoing a renovation but is still open to visitors. At the bottom of the bay there is one of the largest beaches on Island Šolta, in the evening lots of ships anchor up in the bay.
Maslinica is a harbor town situated on the western side of the island, the village is in my opinion the most beautiful spot on the island. The hart of the town is the Seaside promenade with a nice ACI Marina and the beautiful castle Martinis Marchi which has recently been completely restored and now functions as a luxury hotel. On the northern side of the promenade there are several restaurants and coffee bars as well as a few kiosks, then main beach can be found opposite to the Marina.
Rogac is the main connection point to the mainland; from here there is a car ferry and catamaran to Split, also Rogac is the place to go if you wish to tank your car or boat. On the main part of the island there are a few old villages Gornje Selo, Donje Selo, Srednje Selo. All 3 villages mainly consist of old stone house from the time when these cities were the most important spots on Solta.