Sailing Holidays in Kassandra, North East Aegean, Greece

Sailing Holidays in Kassandra

According to mythology, Kassandra, the first peninsula of Halkidiki, was the site of the mythical Clash of the Titans. Today, Kassandra is home to Greece’s most modern tourist resorts.

You can find some of the largest hotel complexes in the country here, with amenities of the highest quality, such as golf courses, marinas and spas. You can also enjoy gourmet meals prepared by well known chefs.

It is also home to some of Greece’s best known organized beaches. Flogita, Athytos, Kallithea, Hanioti, Kryopiyi, Polyhrono, Pefkohóri, Paliouri, Posidi, Siviri, Sani, and Potidea have beaches with trendy beach bars!

If you need a bit of peace and quiet after a dancing session, hop in a car and discover some of the area’s untouched beaches. There’s no better way to recharge your batteries ready for the next party!

Those who are into hectic nightlife scenes might like to know that the Kallithéa area is home to some of the biggest best bars in Greece, while just about anywhere in Halkidiki you’ll find some nice quiet little bar which is just perfect to kick off your evening in.