Sailing Holidays in Patras Port, Patras, Corinthian Gulf, Greece with Sail la Vie!

Sailing Holidays in Patras Port

Patras Port comprises a fishing harbor and three basins: one in the S, one in the center and one in the N. It has four main jetties. At the NE end of the harbor is a marina with entertainment facilities at its S end. In the N basin of the marina there is infrastructure for operating a seaplane station.

It is protected from swell caused by winds from between SW and NW by a curved breakwater, almost parallel to the shore. Its S part has a length of 975 m and its N part 590 m. The outer side of the breakwater has been covered with protective natural; the inner S side is quayed, with depths of less than 1 m near it.

A small basin SW of jetty Goúnari there is used as fishing harbor. Its entrance is open NW and has a width of 160 m. Mole Agíou Andréa extends NE for 150 m. Its outer side is protected by natural boulders, with depths of less than 5 m within 20 m offshore.