The Treasures of Achilles
Sailing Treasure Hunt
The Myth
1312 BC. It was during the Trojan War when the largest naval fleet of all times, brought together ships from different Greek kingdoms. The vessels belonged to Mycenaeans, Lacedaemonians, Messenians, and Thebans.
At the end of a ten-year long war, Agamemnon, the commander of the fleet, asked the generals of the great kingdoms, to assume a last sacred purpose, before returning to their city:

Return the Armor of Achilles, who had fallen during the war, to his beloved mother Thetis by following the signs of the Gods.
After dividing Achilles' personal gifts, they set sail for Pythia and started an extremely heavy journey full of pirate battles and wild storms.
However, the signs of the Gods protected them and guided the ships to an unknown island where the Goddess Thetis was waiting for them.
As a Nereid of Poseidon, she buried her son's armor beside the sea and designed a chart with the location of the treasure, which she shared at the great temple of the Gods of Olympus.

201 BC. The Oracle of Delphi predicts that the pieces of the Goddesses chart can be found only by descendants of the Ancient Greek Kingdoms, and only when the alignment of planets is right for a lost island to emerge from the sea.
2021 AC. 3.333 years later, in a few days the planets will be aligned; such an event happens only once in about 1100 years .... the opportunity to bring to light the treasures of Achilles is NOW!
Become an Ancient Greek descendant and join the exploration of the emerging island. Sail into the Aegean Sea and find the hidden treasure of Achilles.
Treasure Hunt Game Options
The SAIL LA VIE TREASURE HUNT offers groups of any size the possibility to transform an ordinary day cruise into a fascinating treasure hunt on the footsteps of Achilles: a group game where all participants interact, think creatively, actively learn and experience unforgettable exploration quests with their team members, searching for the lost treasure!
Personalized riddles conducted by a professional game master will guides the team to the discovery of the treasure. Swimming in secluded bays, diving into crystal clear waters, rich BBQ onboard and an open bar are part of the Achilles' fortune.
12 - 44 players in 3-4 teams; each team plays the game and sails with a Motor Sailer.

36 - 120 players in 4-12 teams; each team plays the game sailing with a Sailing Yacht with a Motor Sailer as the flagship.

Contact us to discuss your initiative and customize the game to your needs!.