Sailing Holidays in Piombino

Nestled on an evocative promontory across from the Tuscan Archipelago, rich in history and dotted with protected landscapes, Piombino is one of the main cities on the Etruscan Coast. Dating back to ancient times, the area’s first city developed in the prehistoric period, which is why Piombino conserves a significant number of archeological artefacts. Formerly known as Falesia’s port, Piombino was first the Signoria for the Principality under the Appiani family, and is one of the longest-lasting city-states in Italy, finally succumbing to outside power in the early 1800s, when the city fell under the rule of Elisa Bonaparte, Napoleon’s sister. Piombino’s historic center, partly protected by a beautiful defense wall, with sections of work by Leonardo da Vinci still visible, conserves traces from the medieval and Renaissance periods. Among the city’s most significant monuments, visitors will surely be interested in the Torrione, the Rivellino, and the Fonti di Marina, where ships once went to be restocked, and the beautiful 14th-century Casa delle Bifore. The churches are a wondrous treat as well, including the Cathedral of Sant’Antimo, the Chapel of the Cittadella and the Church of the Immacolata. Dating to the 1800s, the Palazzo Nuovo sits inside the Cittadella and its design boasts a contribution by Leonardo da Vinci. The Palazzo Nuovo is the former residence of Elisa Bonaparte, seat of the The Populonia Archaeological Museum and remains a principle exhibition site for the Parks of the Val di Cornia, which houses over 2,000 Pre-historic, Etruscan and Roman artefacts. Paved alleys lead to the city’s imposing Castle, home to the Museum of the Castle and Medieval Ceramics. This splendid building dates to the 1200s. Piazza Bovio is the largest coastal piazza in Europe, home to Palazzo Appiani, from which your gaze will brush the length of the coast and the islands of the Archipelago.