Sailing Holidays in Porto Commerciale

Porto Commerciale (45°26′2N 12°18′5E), the original port of Venezia, and also known as Porto Marittima, borders the W side of the city and consists of three principal berthing areas: Canale Scomenzera, with quays on both sides, lies between the W side of the city and Molo di Levante, which projects SW; Bacino Marittima, a rectangular basin with quays on three sides, is contained between Molo di Levante and Molo do Ponente; Bacino del Tronchetto, partly lined with quays, is contained between Molo di Ponente and Isola Nuova del Tronchetto which consists of reclaimed land. Porto Commerciale is faced by a turning basin and can be approached via the channels leading from either Porto di Malamocco or Porto di Lido.