Sailing Holidays in Trieste Harbour
Trieste (45°39′N 13°46′E) is situated on the N shore of Baia di Muggia in the NE part of the Gulf of Trieste. It consists of a number of parts centred upon the city and around the shores of Baia di Muggia, and is the most important Italian harbour in the Adriatic and one of the major ports in the Mediterranean Sea. It is largely a Free Port, available for use on equal terms by all international traders, in which there are no customs dues, and through which goods may transit freely. The port has about 13 km of wharfage and is equipped with modern installations and equipment.
Principal imports include coal, mineral oils, chrome manganese ore, cotton, a variety of foodstuff including rice, coffee, fresh fruit and vegetables, extracts of fruit and seeds. Many of these items are for onward transhipment to central Europe. The reception terminal of the Trieste to Ingolstadt Trans-Alpine oil pipeline, operated by Società Italiano Oleodotto Transalpino Sp A (SIOT), is situated in Baia di Muggia.
Principal exports include timber and timber products, paper, cement, machinery, iron and steel, vehicles, grain, sugar, and fruit. Baia di Muggia affords some shelter in a Bora and in other winds over a bottom of mud, good holding. Vallone di Muggia is exposed to the Bora which sometimes is very violent here.
The use of two anchors is advised during a strong Bora. It is necessary to avoid:
Obstructing the buoyed channel to Punta Franco Oli Minerali.
A submarine pipeline, shown on the chart, extending from the root of a mole (0. 4 miles SW of Punta Stramare (45°36′⋅1N 13°47′⋅4E)) on the S side of Vallone di Muggia.
A submarine pipeline extends from Punta Servola (45°37′⋅5N 13°46′⋅3E) to the W, passing out of the harbour between the N head of Diga Luigi Rizzo Sud and the S head of Diga Luigi Rizzo Centrale.