Sailing Holidays in Porto Santa Margherita

Porto Santa Margherita, a resort town, lies at the mouth of Fiume Livenza which communicates by inland canal with Venezia and other lagoon ports. The river mouth is protected on both sides by breakwaters which extend about 550 m to seaward. About 450 m within the heads of the breakwaters an irregular and extensive artificial basin, in which there is a marina, is entered on the W bank through a lock. About 180 m farther upstream Canale dell’Orologio, in which there is a marina about 0. 9 mile above the junction with Fiume Livenza, leads NE to a fishing harbour in the small town of Caorle. A short distance above this junction Fiume Livenza is spanned by a low road bridge. Anchorage may be obtained off the entrance over a bottom of mud taking care to avoid the historic wreck, and in the river just below the road bridge, mud, good holding (reported 1982) but the river current is strong.