Sailing Holidays in Marino di Pizzo

The town of Pizzo (Pizzo Calabro), 2. 8 miles SSW of the mouth of Fiume Angitola, is built on a large mass of volcanic rock, 106 m high and perpendicular on its NE and W sides. The town stands on the coast and interrupts the long stretch of sandy beach. Marina di Pizzo is situated on this part of the coast NW of the town. When approaching from N or W, the town has the appearance of a large white patch, which, on nearer approach, widens and extends lower down on its S side until the stretch of beach can be distinguished. During fine weather, or with winds between NNE and SSE, anchorage can be obtained W of Marino di Pizzo in depths of 10 to 20 m. The bottom is hard sand and the holding ground is poor; local knowledge is required. It is dangerous to remain in this anchorage with winds from the W semi-circle.