Sailing Holidays in Marina di Paola
Marina di Paola is the resort of Paola. A viaduct connects the resort and town. The town of Paola stands in a natural amphitheatre, on a spur of the coastal mountain range, and contains many modern buildings. The railway station can be seen clearly from sea. A disused pier, 120 m in length, lies 180 m S of the railway station; navigation bathing and fishing are prohibited in its vicinity. The pier is unlit. With local knowledge anchorage can be obtained in depths of about 15 m, 320 m offshore. In fair weather small vessels anchor closer inshore in depths of about 6 m, good holding ground. If conditions deteriorate and winds with an E component or onshore winds develop the anchorage must be quitted at once.
Anchorage off Torre di Paola should be avoided because of poor holding ground and this berth is more exposed to the sudden breakers, known locally as guttafarra which come in from the SW particularly in the summer.