Sailing Holidays in Marina di Catanzaro
Marina di Catanzaro (Catanzaro Lido) is a town situated on the coast about 4 miles NNE of Punta di Staletti, and is the most important centre on the shores of Golfo di Squillace. Its buildings, which are very scattered, include numerous large white factories and tall chimneys. The town exports leather, soap, oil and bricks. In winter, vessels can always work cargo off Marina di Catanzaro with offshore winds, as the sandy bottom is good holding, and the depths permit a close approach to the beach. The bottom is sand out to about 50 m from shore, and muddy farther out. It is dangerous to remain in the roadstead with onshore winds from the SE.
Large vessels can anchor about 0. 9 mile offshore to the E of the village, in about 26 m of water. Smaller vessels can anchor within 100 m of the shore along the stretch of coast between the refuge harbour and the mouth of Fiume Corace.