Sailing Holidays in Charakas Beach

Charakas sandy beach opposite the island of Patroklos, or Gaidouronisi for locals and old, on the way to Sounion (5 kilometers), located 58 kilometers southeast from the center of Athens. Map without having to locate, but without sinking in the world, the Ruler of the beach is the ideal solution for those seeking an alternative, but do not have time; or disposal; looking. Towards Sounion, approaching the limits of municipalities horn and Lavrion, just before the CRES will see to the left of the road sign that reads 'Traditional Charakas settlement.' Leave the car at the plateau you will find on your right hand, a few meters below, and you pick the place where you spread your towel. Otherwise, fine sand and clear water make up the image that will pay you the route. Note that kiosks, canteens and other 'recovery' are absent from the area, so make sure a few kilometers to consider that necessary. The name comes from the ruins of ancient buildings that are defensive here from the Hellenistic period.