Sailing Holidays in Igoumenitsa Port
Igoumenítsa Port lies in the E shores of the namesake bay. Its shores are quayed for about 1800 m. In the N extremity of the quayed shores of the harbor there is a jetty that extends for 40 m towards NW and is protected by rock ballasting. From its root, the quayed shores extend to the S for about 140 m up to the root of the central jetty of the harbor.
The jetty extends to the SW for 126 m. On its outer side lie two ramps. On its head there is also a ramp and an operating light. Depths near its outer part are from 5.1 m on its root and reach 6.2 m near its head. From the inner root of the mole the quayed shores extend for 130 m to the SE with depths near them of 2.4 to 3.9 m. They are then curved for about 360 m to the S with depths of 3.9 to 6.1 m near them.
Along the above quay there are ramps used by ferries that connect the port with Kérkyra and Paxoí. From the SW extremity of the quay starts a jetty, the N side of which extends for 120 m to the W with depths near it of 6.3 to 9.7 m. The head of the jetty with a SW direction is 120 m long with depths of 8.8 to 9.5 m, and ramps along it.
At a distance of 300 m from the above jetty, the new port of Igoumenítsa has been constructed operating since 2003. It consists of a 780 m long quay with a N to S direction and depths of 8 to 9.5 m. At a distance of about 310 m N of the N extremity of the harbor a marina is formed open to the N.