Sailing Holidays in Achilio Palace
The Achilio Palace is located in one of the highest spots of Gastouri village. It was built at the end of the 19th century when Empress of Austria Sissy was so excited by the island that she decided to built it. During World War I, Achillio was used as a military hospital for French and Serbian soldier. After World War I, it became the property of the Greek state.In 1962 Achillio Palace was given to a private company that reformed its upper level to a casino and the lower to a museum. The casino scene of the James Bond film For Your Eyes Only, was filmed at the Achillio. In 1983 it was returned to the Greek state and the casino has been relocated to the Corfu Hilton.The Achillio has been used in recent times for the European Summit meeting in 1994, and in 2003 it hosted the meeting of the European Ministers for Agriculture. Now, it is also a museum.