Sailing Holidays in Amvrakikos National Park, Arta, Ionian Islands, Greece with Sail la Vie!

Sailing Holidays in Amvrakikos National Park

The Amvrakikos Gulf is located in the northwestern part of the Greek mainland and communicates with the Ionian Sea only by a narrow strip of water about half a mile. With its stunning view over the wetlands from nearby St. Catherine's Hill, the Amvrakikos National Park is a paradise for birdwatchers and nature lovers alike.

Watching the members of two nesting colonies of the famous Dalmatian pelican wandering in the abundant feeding ground of the Gulf is an unforgettable experience. Exploring the largest reedbed of Europe, the Delta of the two rivers and about 20 lagoons is just as special as running into a returned water buffalos or meeting local fishermen and learn about their traditional fishing methods used in the lagoons.