Sailing Holidays in Vlychadia  Beach, Kalymnos, Dodecanese, Greece with Sail la Vie!

Sailing Holidays in Vlychadia Beach

The road west out of Pothia leads to the village of Vothini then down to the inlet at Vlychadia where there are two pleasant bays each side of the small harbour, one a gentle curve of shaded sand the other a small strip of clean pebbles. Good taverns back both beaches and regular excursion leave Vlychadia for the cave at Kefala just along the coast south-west of Vylchadia. It's a 30 minute walk off the boat but you are rewarded with vividly colorful rock formations and a particularly imposing stalagmite in the largest of the six chambers. Vlychadia beach is a pleasant crescent of coarse sand and shingle with a line of tamarisk trees behind to provide good shade. The water is shallow, though a little stony underfoot. Clearly marked behind Vlychadia beach is the extraordinary Museum of Submarine Finds, open most days. Former diver Stavros Valsimades has collected an impressive array of underwater ephemera including sponges, amphorae, salvage from sunken ships as well as stuffed marine animals.