Sailing Holidays in Malinska
Sidrište Malinska, open N, is situated at the head of a bay entered between Rt Pelova (45°08′N 14°29′E) (9. 171) and Rt Cuf, 2½ miles NE. The coast is wooded, and the land rises symmetrically and not very steeply. In spite of the considerable depth of water, Sidrište Malinska is recommended as an anchorage with permission from the Port Authority in Rijeka:
In a Scirocco, SW of Malinska in 31 to 33 m about 370 meters offshore.
In a Bora, directly in front of Malinska with hawsers to bollards on the shore NE.
In Uvala Vantačić, 1 mile WSW of Malinska, a small cove, with the village of Vantačić at its head, or anchored off the cove in 10 to 12 m.