Sailing Holidays in Slivno
Slivno was named after a similar peninsula which is on its northern and eastern sides immersed into the Neretva swamp, on its north-western side it is surrounded by tangerine plantations and on the southern and south-western sides it is surrounded by the sea. Working on it patiently for millennia, the sea, the sun and winds have created beautiful bays and beaches.
The weak tourist promotion of this part of Croatian south has made it ideal for tourists who want a holiday without a big crowd. Mainly referring to either boat owners who search for small secluded coves or sport-fishing amateurs delighted by the rich fauna at the River Neretva mouth which is also known for the mixture of salt and fresh water.
The Slivno municipality is located at the southern end of the Lower Neretva area. Stretching over about 55 km2, which makes only 3% of land area of Dubrovnik-Neretva County it is considered a smaller municipality. The Lower Neretva area is characterized by diverse relief with many picturesque landscapes. What makes this nature so attractive is the mesh of river and sea, plains and rocks, lakes and swamps.
Former wetland was replaced by a cascade landscape, becoming the most valuable agricultural part of the Slivno municipality. Along the edge of the hill there are still some round sources which, due to their first-class aesthetic value, draw attention of many passers-by. The municipality has a spatial share of all three specific physiognomic units which are typical of this region.
Karst limestone formations south of the Mala Neretva River belong to the Slivno municipality and is therefore also called Slivno. Vegetation in this area consists of karst landforms such as stones, depressions, sinkholes, caves and coves. The highest point of Slivno is Daska with an altitude of 563 m.
Today in the Slivno municipality there are remains of cities and other various settlements, forts, towers, sacred objects, as well as some protected architecture. They are all part of the cultural heritage of the area. Since the culture and tourism have become inseparable, all the Neretva monuments have certain touristic value.
Despite the scientifically-based fact that the Slivno municipality has a long settlement tradition no archaeological sites have been systematically studied. Therefore, the prehistoric monuments are poorly known and still no such site has been registered as a protected monument.
Tombstones are the most numerous and the most widespread medieval monuments in the entire Slivno municipality.