Sailing Holidays in Luka Polače
Luka Polače is entered between Rt Kriýice (42°47′N 17°27′E) and Rt Stupa 2 miles WNW. The village of Polače lies on the S side near the head of the inlet and is the port for Goveđari, a small town 0. 8 miles WSW.
The harbour, with Uvalica Rogač almost landlocked at its head, lies W of a number of islets situated in the entrance to the inlet, and is considered one of the best in the islands off this part of the Adriatic coast, but has limited space. Anchorage may be obtained:
Two cables W of Otočić Tajnik in about 35 m.
N of the village of Polače in about 22 m, noting the shallow spit which extends NE from the shore abreast the ruins of a castle, NW end of the village.
In Uvalica Rogač in 14 m, good holding.